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  • anitakstephens

Fish fear him. The water weeps...

My son-in-law, Jonathan, is a great outdoorsman and fisherman. He is a natural on his boat, navigating the local waterways. Jonathan was kind enough to lend me a collection of his favorite fishing flies so that I could create my "Fly Series" of small paintings. I am fascinated by each one. The color, the materials and the thought that goes behind each one in creating the perfect lure, targeting a specific type of fish, based on what is naturally available is impressive. Jonathan himself tied the subject in this painting. I asked him what it was called. He laughed and said, "I don't know, you name it!" So here it is. "Jonathan's Hairy Snipe." Fish fear him. The water weeps.

"Jonathan's Hairy Snipe"

8 x 8

Oil on linen board

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